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Trade – Retail

You know your job, and we are here as a bank to support the growth and development of your business. Wishing to respond to your needs, we have customized the offer for the companies engaged in retail trade.

Daily banking offer

Following the needs of your business, we have created two types of business packages that will give you what you need for everyday business

For easier operation and finding the best solution for your company, you have your personal banker at disposal. He can always provide all the information on daily banking and financial support for the development of your business.

[1] You can see more detailed information on all packages on the page Account packages.  

Investment offer

For the users of the packages Praktik and Prestiž we have prepared an offer that can not be missed. [2]
We have created a special package of products under very favorable conditions tailored to the companies operating in the field of retail.

  1. Loan for liquidity and working capital under favorable terms, with repayment period up to 24 months.
  2. Current account overdraft with no administrative cost of the request processing
  3. POS terminals that our bank gives you to use free of charge. Another advantage is that, when using POS terminals, funds are transferred to your account the very next day after the transaction.[3]

[2] Offer applies only to companies with annual turnover above 20 million dinars.

Additional information on investment offer

Loan for liquidity and working capital

Granted quickly with minimal collateral and thus saves your time and money.

Representative examples

Representative example for loan for liquidity and working capital with fixed interest rate for loan indexed in EUR
Representative example of EUR loan for working capital and maintenance of liquidity with fixed interest rate
Loan amount*10.000 EUR
Repayment period24 months
NIR annually6,15%
Monthly instalment444 EUR
Fee for loan processing (1%)**100 EUR
Costs associated with loan approval, known at the time of publishing
Debtor bill of exchange350 RSD
Owner bill of exchange50 RSD
Debtor Credit Bureau report600 RSD for entrepreneur, 1440 for corporate
Owner Credit Bureau report246 RSD
Tax certification fee640 RSD
Monthly fee for current account***450 RSD
EIR annually 8,46%
Total amount of loan (principal, interest and costs)10.863 EUR
EIR calculated on06.05.2021.

* The Bank adjusts the outstanding loan amounts indexed in EUR with variations in NBS middle exchange rate for EUR each last day of the month, by applying the exchange rate valid on the respective date against the exchange rate that was in effect on the last day of the previous month, except for the first month when adjustment is made according to the exchange rate that was in effect on the day of loan disbursement. **On the total approved loan amount ***Included in the EIR calculation for clients who opened the account when applying loan

Representative example for loan for liquidity and working capital with fixed interest rate for loan in RSD
Representative example of RSD loan for working capital and maintenance of liquidity with fixed interest rate
Loan amount1.000.000 RSD
Repayment period24 months
NIR annually7,50%
Monthly instalment45.008 RSD
Fee for loan processing (1%)*5.000 RSD
Costs associated with loan approval, known at the time of publishing
Debtor bill of exchange350 RSD
Owner bill of exchange50 RSD
Debtor Credit Bureau report:600 RSD for entrepreneur, 1440 for corporate
Owner Credit Bureau report:246 RSD
Tax certification fee640 RSD
Monthly fee for current account**450 RSD
EIR annually 10,11 %
Total amount of loan (principal, interest and costs)1.102.909 RSD
EIR calculated on06.05.2021.

*On the total approved loan amount **Included in the EIR calculation for clients who opened the account when applying loan

Current Account Overdraft

Current liquidity is one of the goals that are often not easy to meet as the collection of receivables is late, and many liabilities are coming due. A solution for occasional financing of current liquidity and the occasional purchase of current assets is for sure current account overdraft.

Representative example of current account overdraft

Amount1.000.000 RSD
Overdraft maturity period12 months
NIR annual7,95%+ 6-month BELIBOR
Administrative fee amount0 RSD
Expenses related to loan approval, known at the moment of publishing
Debtor bill of exchange200 RSD
Owner bill of exchange100 RSD
Debtor Credit Bureau report600 RSD
Owner Credit Bureau report102 RSD
EIR annual 12,85 %
Total loan amount ( (principal, interest and costs)1.118.219 RSD
EIR calculated on10.04.2017.

The interest rate is variable and consists of a reference interest rate - six-month BELIBOR, as a variable rate, and Bank’ margin as a fixed rate, in accordance with Bank’s Tariffs. Variable interest rate is adjusted on the first business day of each month for the current month, in accordance with changes in the reference BELIBOR rate which, on the day of calculation of the example on 10/04/2016 was 3,71% on annual basis.

Calculate your instalment on the assumption of the variable part of the interest rate change and/or exchange rate change

Do you have any additional questions?

If you have any questions or concerns, our experienced bankers are at your disposal.

Additional benefits and services to improve your business

We also think about the individual needs of you as a company owner

  • 50% lower account package maintenance costs for natural persons
  • Leasing for purchase of vehicles with reduced interest rates and with a fast approval process.
  • Mixed life insurance gives you the possibility to insure yourself and your family, and to save at the same time

Employees are the foundation of your company. Benefits that they have with us are:

  • Favorable interest rates for housing, cash and refinancing loans
  • Lower costs of loan products approval
  • Account package maintenance can be reduced even 50% or completely free of charge if you use your debit card for paying.


Do you have any additional questions?

Write to us using our online contact form, and we will contact you.

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