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Investment loan

Investment loan is intended for investing into
long-term plans such as financing of fixed assets.

Investment loan features

Use the investment loan for purchase of equipment, vehicles or office space, renovation of an existing office space and refinancing of a loan at another bank.

Currencies in which loans are approved are RSD and EUR in the dinar counter value at the NBS middle exchange rate as of loan disbursement date.

  • In dinar equivalent at the average exchange rate of NBS on the day of submitting the application.

  • The interest is also calculated and charged on monthly basis during the grace period.


Representative example of investment loans

Representative example for investment loan in EUR
Representative example for investment loan in EUR
Total investment amount62.500 EUR
Down payment12.500 EUR
Loan amount*50.000 EUR
Repayment period120 months
NIR annually**4,95% + three-month EURIBOR
Monthly instalment516 EUR
Fee for loan processing (1%)***500 EUR
Costs associated with loan approval, known at the time of publishing
Debtor bill of exchange250 EUR
Owner bill of exchange50 EUR
Debtor Credit Bureau report600 RSD for entrepreneur, 1440 for corporate
Owner Credit Bureau report246 RSD
Tax certification fee640 RSD
Monthly fee for current account****450 RSD
Issuing of real estate folio in the land register940 RSD
Real estate valuation*****11.800 RSD
Certification of pledge statement7.200 RSD
Mortgage registration22.020 RSD
Property insurance4.700 RSD
EIR annually 5,33 %
Total loan amount ( (principal, interest, costs)64.027 EUR
EIR calculated on06.05.2021.

* The Bank adjusts the outstanding loan amounts indexed in EUR with variations in NBS middle exchange rate for EUR each last day of the month, by applying the exchange rate valid on the respective date against the exchange rate that was in effect on the last day of the previous month, except for the first month when adjustment is made according to the exchange rate that was in effect on the day of loan disbursement. **The interest rate is variable and consists of a reference rate -three -month EURIBOR, as a variable rate, and Bank’ margin as a fixed rate, in accordance with Bank’s Tariffs. Variable interest rate is adjusted on the first business day of each month for the current month, in accordance with changes in the reference BELIBOR rate which, on the day of calculation of the example on 06.05.2021. was -0,532% on annual basis. ***On the total approved loan amount ****Included in the EIR calculation for clients who opened the account when applying loan *****Every three year reissuing of real estate folio should be done

Representative example for investment loan in RSD
Representative example for investment loan in RSD
Total investment amount6.250.000 RSD
Down payment1.250.000 RSD
Loan amount5.000.000 RSD
Repayment period120 months
NIR annually*8% + three-month BELIBOR
Monthly instalment63.001 RSD
Fee for loan processing (1%)**50.000 RSD
Costs associated with loan approval, known at the time of publishing
Debtor bill of exchange250 RSD
Owner bill of exchange50 RSD
Debtor Credit Bureau report600 RSD for entrepreneur, 1440 for corporate
Owner Credit Bureau report246 RSD
Tax certification fee640 RSD
Monthly fee for current account***450 RSD
Issuing of real estate folio in the land register940 RSD
Real estate valuation****11.800 RSD
Certification of pledge statement7.200 RSD
Mortgage registration22.020 RSD
Property insurance4.700 RSD
EIR annually 10,19%
Total loan amount ( (principal, interest, costs)7.795.376 RSD
EIR calculated on06.05.2021.

* The interest rate is variable and consists of a reference interest rate - six-month BELIBOR, as a variable rate, and Bank’ margin as a fixed rate, in accordance with Bank’s Tariffs. Variable interest rate is adjusted on the first business day of each month for the current month, in accordance with changes in the reference interest rate which, on the day of calculation of the example on 06.05.2021. was 0,87% on annual basis. **On the total approved loan amount ***Included in the EIR calculation for clients who opened the account when applying loan ****Every three year reissuing of real estate folio should be done

Calculate your instalment on the assumption of the variable part of the interest rate change and/or exchange rate change

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Loan for working capital and maintenance of liquidity

The loan for working capital and maintenance of liquidity is approved quickly and with minimal collateral instruments. Save your time and focus your attention to the important aspects of your business

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