0800 23 23 22 Online banking

Biznis m-bank

Our business m-bank mobile application allows you to manage your finances in a simple, orderly and fast way, as well as to organize your day and obligations so that you have more time left to dedicate to other aspects of your business.


For those of you who bravely lead your business always towards the highest goals, our biznis m-bank app is there to help you make an improvement with every step.


    Business M-bank application is available for Android and iOS

    If you are a user of iOS device, you can download the m-bank application by clicking at Iphone – iOS.
    If you are a user of Android device, you can download the m-bank application by clicking at Android.

    You can download the application by scanning QR cod regardless you are the user of iOS or Android device.

    User instruction m-bank

    User instruction m-bank

    User Instruction for foreign currency payments

    User Instruction for foreign currency payments

    Do you have any questions?

    Expect our answer any working day from 8 am until 6 pm

    Call us

    We are at your disposal any working day from 8 am until 6 pm

    +381 11 30 11 552

    Map of branch locations

    Find a branch

    Online branch

    A team of professional online bankers is at your disposal every working day from 8 am to 6 pm and on Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.

    Find out more
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