SMS service
SMS service allows you to receive information on changes and balance on your account via your mobile phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can receive information on changes and balance on your account by SMS within the SMS service.
The service is available for all customers who:
- have a current account with our Bank
- registered their mobile phone number when opening the current account*1
SMS service supports all operators in the territory of Serbia - mobile operators - Telekom, Telenor, VIP and Globatel. If you have your mobile operator roaming service, you can use this service abroad.
For security reasons Mobilia can be used only from the mobile phone number you had previously registered with your personal banker. This eliminates the possibility of unauthorized access to your account from another mobile phone number. In addition, you need to check with your mobile operator if you are allowed to receive and send messages to short codes.
What notifications can you activate through SMS service?
- Current, savings, credit card or loan account balance statement
- Notifications on RSD current account incoming payments
- Report on previous incoming payments on RSD current account
- Notifications on transactions made by cards
Service of notifications via SMS on transactions made by cards is activated in person at the branch.
How to activate notifications?
- Status query – an SMS is sent to the number 2323 in the OTP_ format (keyword). The keyword- is a word that the client defines when contracting the service or a standard keyword that depends on the product for which the query is sent1
Product message Current account RSD OTP STARSD Current account EUR OTP STAEUR Credit card VISA OTP STAVISA Credit card MC OTP STAMC avista saving account RSD OTP STASTED avista saving account EUR OTP STADSTED Credit account OTP STAKRED
Things you should know
Within the Prestiž package, all notifications about payment card transaction are free of charge (included in the package), and within the Praktik package ten notifications about payment card transaction are free of charge. All other SMS notifications and SMS queries within Mobilia are charged at the specific rates.
You can also receive notifications of transactions made with your payment cards by using the m-bank application. They are activated in the m-bank application and free of charge, and the internet connection is required to receive the notifications.
Enjoy your leisure time and time spent with friends and arrange banking transactions whenever convenient for you. Via mobile application check your account balance and transfer funds to and from your accounts, pay bills free of charge, exchange money 24/7, and much more.
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