0800 23 23 22 Online banking

When you know a phone number,
You know to ask for a payment!

Pay me – new functionality in OTP m-bank app allows you to send request for payment on your account via phone and IPS QR code.

If you need a loan or you’re splitting the bill for a trip, lunch, or a gift, you can simply and quickly request a payment from a family member, friend, or work colleague with just a few clicks on your phone.

Everything you need is to use OTP m-bank and to know the phone number of the potential payment.

Just ask and your payment is coming simply and quickly!


    Good to Know:


      How to use the option “Pay me“

      Send the request via phone and the money arrives in your account

      • Log in to your OTP m-bank app, choose Paying, and then Pay me
      • Enter the amount you want to get paid with an optional message for the receiver and the reason for payment
      • After confirming the “Create Request” button, an IPS QR code is generated and you can save it in the gallery or send it to the recipient through communication apps

      The payer will get the message with a link to a QR code that he will save and then import or scan in his m-bank app.

      Instructions on how to use the "Pay me"

      Instructions on how to use the “Pay me”

      Simple, quick and safe money transfer.


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      Online branch

      A team of professional online bankers is at your disposal every working day from 8 am to 6 pm and on Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.

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