Loan insurance in the case of job loss
The insurance will provide necessary financial protection and support for you and your family in the case you lose your job. Helps you worry about repaying the loan less, and therefore, easier to find a new job.
How do you benefit from insurance in the case of job loss?
In the case of job loss the insurance covers as much as 6 monthly loan annuities continuously. This possibility can be used up to three times during the loan repayment period, provided that there is at least one-year period between two insured cases.
- Financial protection during complete loan repayment period
- Small expense for great coverage
- Possibility to include insurance payments in loan monthly installment rate
- Insurance with all types of loan, simply with one visit to the Bank
The insurance in the case of job loss is intended for all users of cash, consumer, car and refinance loans.
Additional information on loan
- Period of insurance in the case of lob loss duration is equal to the period of loan duration
- Insurance is covering the monthly loan annuities and provides interrupted loan repayment
- To be eligible for the insurance, the client must be employed continuously for minimum 6 months with permanent working contract
- The insurance covers clients aged up to 68
- Loans duration can not be longer than 10 years
- Number of loan annuities covered by one insured event is 6
- Insurance does not cover contingency in the first 60 days after signing of the contract and if the job loss is caused by the guilt of the Insured
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