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Exchange rate

Exchange rate

CurrencyCountryCurrency nameBuyingMiddleSalesParitet
AUDAustralian dollar65.867468.256470.64541
CADCanadian dollar73.126475.778778.43101
CHFSwiss franc119.2284122.9159126.60341
DKKDanish krone15.164015.714016.26401
GBPPound sterling136.0125140.2191144.42571
HUFHungarian Forint27.917129.386430.8557100
JPYJapanese yen69.608172.132774.6573100
NOKNorwegian krone9.948410.309210.67001
RUBRussian ruble1.16441.29381.42321
SEKSwedish krona10.376510.752911.12931
USDAmerican dollar105.2574108.5128111.76821
CurrencyCountryCurrency nameEffective lowerMiddleEffective upperParitet
AUDAustralian dollar64.843668.256471.66921
CADCanadian dollar71.989875.778779.56761
CHFSwiss franc118.6138122.9159127.21801
DKKDanish krone14.928315.714016.49971
GBPPound sterling135.3114140.2191145.12681
HUFHungarian Forint27.035529.386431.7373100
JPYJapanese yen0.000072.13270.0000100
NOKNorwegian krone9.793710.309210.82471
RUBRussian ruble0.00001.29380.00001
SEKSwedish krona10.215310.752911.29051
USDAmerican dollar104.7149108.5128112.31071

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Reference interest rates:

No data available for the requested date.

* The bank is introducing the sale and purchase of foreign exchange in CNY starting from 27.08.2024.

* The bank temporarily stops the sale and purchase of NOK foreign cash from 01.06.2023.

* The bank temporarily stops the sale and purchase of DKK foreign cash from 28.10.2022.

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