Exchange rate
Exchange rate
Currency | Country | Currency name | Buying | Middle | Sales | Paritet |
AUD | Australian dollar | 67.9153 | 70.3785 | 72.8417 | 1 | |
CAD | Canadian dollar | 75.6383 | 78.3817 | 81.1251 | 1 | |
CHF | Swiss franc | 121.9868 | 125.7596 | 129.5324 | 1 | |
CNY | Juan | 14.6312 | 15.4827 | 16.3342 | 1 | |
DKK | Danish krone | 15.1320 | 15.6808 | 16.2296 | 1 | |
EUR | Euro | 114.1617 | 116.9690 | 119.7763 | 1 | |
GBP | Pound sterling | 136.8141 | 141.0455 | 145.2769 | 1 | |
HUF | Hungarian Forint | 26.7760 | 28.1853 | 29.5946 | 100 | |
JPY | Japanese yen | 69.4702 | 71.9898 | 74.5094 | 100 | |
NOK | Norwegian krone | 9.5062 | 9.8510 | 10.1958 | 1 | |
RUB | Russian ruble | 0.9891 | 1.0990 | 1.2089 | 1 | |
SEK | Swedish krona | 9.8622 | 10.2199 | 10.5776 | 1 | |
USD | American dollar | 109.5490 | 112.9371 | 116.3252 | 1 |
Currency | Country | Currency name | Effective lower | Middle | Effective upper | Paritet |
AUD | Australian dollar | 66.8596 | 70.3785 | 73.8974 | 1 | |
CAD | Canadian dollar | 74.4626 | 78.3817 | 82.3008 | 1 | |
CHF | Swiss franc | 121.3580 | 125.7596 | 130.1612 | 1 | |
CNY | Juan | 0.0000 | 15.4827 | 0.0000 | 1 | |
DKK | Danish krone | 14.8968 | 15.6808 | 16.4648 | 1 | |
EUR | Euro | 114.1617 | 116.9690 | 119.7763 | 1 | |
GBP | Pound sterling | 136.1089 | 141.0455 | 145.9821 | 1 | |
HUF | Hungarian Forint | 25.9305 | 28.1853 | 30.4401 | 100 | |
JPY | Japanese yen | 0.0000 | 71.9898 | 0.0000 | 100 | |
NOK | Norwegian krone | 9.3585 | 9.8510 | 10.3435 | 1 | |
RUB | Russian ruble | 0.0000 | 1.0990 | 0.0000 | 1 | |
SEK | Swedish krona | 9.7089 | 10.2199 | 10.7309 | 1 | |
USD | American dollar | 108.9843 | 112.9371 | 116.8899 | 1 |
Reference interest rates:
KSD | Kamatna stopa na depozitne olakšice | 4.5 % |
RKS | NBS reference interest rate | 5.75 % |
IPC | Indeks potrošačkih cena (u odnosu na prethodni mesec) | 0.3 % |
B3M | Quarterly Belibor | 4.7 % |
E3M | Quarterly Euribor | 2.852 % |
B6M | Six-month Belibor | 4.74 % |
E6M | Six-month Euribor | 2.652 % |
* The bank is introducing the sale and purchase of foreign exchange in CNY starting from 27.08.2024.
* The bank temporarily stops the sale and purchase of NOK foreign cash from 01.06.2023.
* The bank temporarily stops the sale and purchase of DKK foreign cash from 28.10.2022.
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