0800 23 23 22
Datum : 27.12.2021 - 07.01.2022

Obaveštenje o radnom vremenu tokom novogodišnjih i božićnih praznika

Dobro je da znate da će tokom predstojećih novogodišnjih i božićnih praznika neradni dani Banke biti ponedeljak 3. januar i petak 7.januar 2022. godine, sa izuzetkom ekspoziture u sklopu TC Galerija koja će raditi u skladu sa radnim vremenom tržnog centra.

Ekspoziture će u petak, 31. decembra raditi skraćeno, do 12 časovačetvrtak 06. januara raditi do 12 časova osim ekspoziture u sklopu TC Galerija koja će u petak, 31. decembra raditi skraćeno, do 18 časova i u četvrtak 06. januara raditi do 18 časova.

Digitalna ekspozitura i Kontakt centar neće raditi u subotu 1. januara, nedelju 2. januara, ponedeljak 3. januara i petak 7. janurara dok će u petak, 31.decembra raditi skraćeno, do 16 časova i četvrtak 06. januara raditi do 15 časova.

Ostalim danima će raditi prema redovnom radnom vremenu.

U nastavku možete da saznate detaljnije informacije o radu platnog prometa tokom praznika.

Domaći platni promet

Elektronski nalozi iznosa do 300.000,00 dinara inicirani za vreme neradnih dana kroz e-bank/m-bank aplikacije za građane, kao i elektronski nalozi pravnih lica i preduzetnika obeleženi kao Hitni, biće odmah procesirani zahvaljujući sistemu Instant plaćanja. Ostali nalozi biće realizovani prvog narednog radnog dana.

1. Prijem papirnih naloga za prenos 31.12.2021. i 06.01.2022. do 11 časova
2. Prijem papirnih naloga za uplatu/ isplatu 31.12.2021. i 06.01.2022. do 12 časova
3. Prijem zahteva za registraciju  menica sa datumom registracije 31.12.2021. i 06.01.2022.  do 11 časova
Prijem menica na naplatu sa datumom valute 31.12.2021. i 06.01.2022. do 11 časova
5. Prijem pazara u čekovima građana sa datumom valute 31.12.2021. i 06.01.2022. do 11 časova
6. Prijem pazara express cash u ekspoziturama Banke i Regionalnim trezorima 31.12.2021. i 06.01.2022. do 11 časova

Međunarodni platni promet

Po osnovu poslova deviznog platnog prometa biće sledećih izmena 31. decembra i za 6. januar:
1. Prijem naloga za plaćanje prema inostranstvu će se vršiti do 10:00 časova (samo sa valutom (T+0) – 31.12.2021.)
2. Prijem priliva iz inostranstva će se vršiti do 10:00 časova
Isplata deviznih dnevnica do 10:00 časova

Nalozi primljeni posle navedenog vremena biće izvršeni sa datumom valute prvi radni dan nakon praznika

Podsećamo vas na uslove koji moraju biti ispunjeni kako bi podneti nalozi u platnom prometu sa inostranstvom bili realizovani:

da nalozi budu poslati u navedenim terminima za obradu naloga
da bude obezbeđeno pokriće za izvršenje naloga
da poslati nalozi i prateća dokumentacija budu ispravni i u skladu sa propisima
da nalozi budu potpisani i overeni od strane ovlašćenog lica klijenta

Dodatna napomena vezano za Božićne praznike stranih banaka:
Sva plaćanja u valuti USD, HUF, SEK, NOK  primljena 24.12.2021. godine, biće izvršena prvog narednog radnog dana, 27.12.2021. godine, zbog neradnih dana kontokorenata za ove valute.
Dodatno, 27.12. i 28.12. 2021. godine zatvorena su plaćanja za valute GBP I CAD, dok su za vlautu RUB zatvorena plaćanja počev od 31.12.2021. sve do 10.01.2022. godine. 

Želimo vam srećne praznike!



It is good to know that during the upcoming New Year’s and Christmas holidays the Bank will not be working on Monday, 3rd January and on Friday, 7th January 2022, with the exception of our branch within Shopping Mall “Galerija” that will be working in line with the working hours of this shopping mall.

On Friday, 31st December, working hours of branches will be shortened, until 12:00 p.m. and on Thursday, 6th January until 12:00 p.m. with the exception of our branch within Shopping Mall “Galerija”, working hours of which will be shortened until 06:00 p.m. on Friday, 31st December and on Thursday, 6th January.

The Digital Branch and Contact Centre will not be working on Saturday, 1st January, Sunday, 2nd January and on Monday, 3rd January and Friday, 7th January, while working hours will be shortened on Friday, 31st December, until 04:00 p.m. and on Thursday, 6th January, until 03:00 p.m.

Other days will have regular working hours.

Down below please find detailed information regarding operation of payment transactions during holidays.

Domestic payment operations
Electronic orders amounting up to RSD 300,000.00 that are initiated during non-working days through the e-banking/m-banking applications for citizens, as well as electronic orders of legal entities and entrepreneurs designated as Urgent, will be immediately processed thanks to the Instant Payment System. Other orders will be realised on the first following working day.

1. Receipt of paper transfer orders 31.12.2021 and 06.01.2022 until 11:00 a.m.
2. Receipt of paper incoming/outgoing payment orders 31.12.2021 and 06.01.2022 until 12:00 p.m.
3. Receipt of requests for registration of bills of exchange with registration date 31.12.2021 and 06.01.2022 until 11:00 a.m.
Receipt of bills of exchange for collection with value date 31.12.2021 and 06.01.2022 until 11:00 a.m.
5. Receipt of takings in citizens’ cheques with value date 31.12.2021 and 06.01.2022 until 11:00 a.m.
6. Receipt of express cash takings in Bank’s branches and Regional vaults 31.12.2021 and 06.01.2022 until 11:00 a.m.

International payment operations
Based on foreign exchange payment operations, the following changes will apply for 31st December and for 6th January:

1. Receipt of foreign payment orders will be performed until 10:00 a.m. (only with value date (T+0) – 31.12.2021)
2. Inflow from abroad will be received until 10:00 a.m.
Foreign exchange per diems will be paid out until 10:00 a.m.

Orders received after the stated time will be realised with the value date of the first working day after the holidays.
We hereby remind you of the conditions that need to be fulfilled for realising submitted orders in international payment transactions:
Orders should be sent within stated timeframes for order processing
Coverage for order execution should be provided
Sent orders and accompanying documentation should be accurate and in line with regulations
Orders should be signed and certified by client’s authorised person

Additional note regarding Christmas holidays of foreign banks:
All payments in currency USD, HUF, SEK, NOK that are received on 24.12.2021, will be effected on the first following working day, 27.12.2021, due to non-working days of running accounts for these currencies. Furthermore, payments for currencies GBP and CAD will be closed on 27.12. and on 28.12.2021, while payments will be closed for the RUB currency starting from 31.12.2021 until 10.01.2022. 

We wish you Happy Holidays!

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Online ekspozitura

Tim stručnih online bankara radi za vas svakog radnog dana od 08:00 do 18:00 časova i subotom od 09:00 do 13:00

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